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Simple Easy Ways To Have A Tidy Kitchen

Simple Easy Ways To Have A Tidy Kitchen

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The kitchen is usually considered to be the heart of the home. Being the heart of the home carries certain expectations. We expect the heart of the home to be cozy, inviting, uncluttered and functional at all times.

A messy kitchen is the furthest thing from inviting.

Dirty dishes in the sink and cluttered counters make for a chaotic, stressful feeling.

Here are some helpful tips for creating and maintaining a tidy, welcoming kitchen.

To have a welcoming kitchen, you must have an organized kitchen—a place for everything. The organization is critical to keeping things neat. Ideally, you should have storage for small appliances. If at all possible, avoid using your counter space for small appliances and utensils. The less clutter on your counter, the more workspace you have. And of course the neater the appearance of your kitchen.

A regular kitchen routine is essential for maintaining an orderly kitchen.

Keep your kitchen sink empty. Once you place that dirty coffee cup in your sink, you've opened the floodgates to more dirty dishes.

washing dishes with a brush.
Keep your dishes washed.

A quick sweep, swifter, or damp mop of your floor every evening. The kitchen floor is a magnet for crumbs and spills. A quick wipe is much easier than a significant mopping.

If you spill it, wipe it up! Avoid stains on counters and floors by cleaning up any spill the minute it happens.

Don't place dirty utensils on your counter. Save yourself a mess by placing the spoon you used to stir spaghetti sauce on a plate or paper towel.

Clean and organize your cabinets and pantry regularly. Overcrowded cabinets will lead to cluttered counters.

Clean as you go. Make life easier on yourself by putting things away and wiping things up as you go. Wash up that measuring cup and spoons that you just used. Don't wait, do it it now.

Wiping off the kitchen stove.

Cleaning supplies should be organized and handy under the kitchen sink. Your sponge should be within easy reach.

It's always best to clean up one mess before creating another mess. So if you are getting ready to do some baking or cooking and dirty dishes are in the sink, wash them up first.

Make it a habit to do at least a quick clean out of your refrigerator just before grocery day. That will make it easier to put the groceries away. And add a wipe down of the refrigerator door at the end of the day.

Keep your counters and table wiped down.

Scrub your sink daily!

Keep the kitchen trashed empty. And don't forget to wash the trash cans regularly.

Use a catch-all basket to keep the unsorted mail, keys, coupons, and grocery list contained.

When working in the kitchen, always use the 'don't put it down, put it away' rule. If it's in your hand, follow through and put it away.

Keep in mind that less stuff equals less clutter. Do decluttering regularly.

Don't forget the microwave. Place a bowl of water and Dawn dish soap in the microwave for 4 or 5 minutes. Remove the bowl of water carefully and finish up with a quick wipe.

Keep your microwave clean by avoiding food splatters by covering food with a piece of paper towel.

Coffee makers need regular cleaning by running water with vinegar through them. Follow with a pot of clear water.

Always keep an eye out for time-saving cleaning tips.

Add these tips to your daily routine and enjoy the benefits. None of these tips take more than a few minutes and will make keeping your kitchen clean much more manageable.


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